
Adult Bible Study

Date: September 24, 2020
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm, All-Purpose-Room (APR)

For eight consecutive Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. starting September 10, I invite everyone to join me for a David Platt DVD Bible study entitled, Something Needs to Change: A call to Make Your Life Count in a World of Urgent Need.  On a trip to the Himalayan mountains, David Platt was confronted with staggering physical and spiritual needs unlike any he had ever seen. On leaving, Platt found himself asking fundamental questions about his life and ministry.  He realized that something needed to change.  What does it mean to follow Jesus in a world filled with urgent physical and spiritual needs?  In the Something Needs to Change Bible study, Platt explores that question as he takes us on a life-altering trek through the Himalayas.  Each night we will watch a short teaching lesson by David Platt (17 to 25 minutes in length) and then I will facilitate discussion following.  We will conclude each evening by 8:00.


The Bible study will help us:

  • Encounter the teachings of Jesus through the Gospel of Luke
  • Consider ways God might use us to meet physical and spiritual needs
  • Identify ways God may be calling us to pray, go, and give for the sake of His glory among the nations


This study is open to everyone in the church family and we would encourage you to invite others from outside the church family as well.  We will meet in the APR just as we do on Sunday mornings, with family units asked to sit in chairs they bring in the areas marked on the floor.  There will not be child care provided, but children supervised by parents are welcome to attend just as on Sunday morning.   For everyone’s safety, the elders ask you wear a mask when entering and when leaving, and also if you choose to speak during the discussion time (as we will not be passing a microphone).  


If you would like to purchase a Bible study book (not required, but beneficial), here are links to Amazon and Christian Book…


I sincerely pray many of us will commit to this study and together be convicted by God to do more to meet the physical and spiritual needs in the world today.


Phil Bachman